Friday, May 27, 2016

May 27 and 31- Closing Argument

We listened from 206-244. Then we did a worksheet for the lawyers' closing arguments.

O’Brien’s Closing Argument

The most important testimony is _____________________________________________


The state doesn’t even suggest that he was in the store during the robbery. It doesn’t suggest it was his gun that was used.  The state does contend


At no time does the state establish ____________________________________________


The State tells us that it was “understood” that Steve was to check out the drugstore. But there are two problems with that.

1.  _____________________________________________________________________

2.  _____________________________________________________________________

Remember Evan‘s testimony that they stopped for a “quick bite?”  Let me tell you how this testimony clears Steve’s name.



Mr. Briggs has already suggested that the major reason for the testimonies of Mr. Evans

and Osvaldo Cruz was ____________________________________________________.

But let’s look at the reliability of Mr. Evan’s testimony.  He is a ___________________,

_____________________ man who doesn’t think about very much of anything.

Finally, let us come to the character of Steve Harmon.  Compare Steve to Mr. Zinzi

Zinzi testified to _________________________________________________________.

It is up to you, the jury, ____________________________________________________.

It is also up to you to ______________________________________________________.

Petrocelli’s closing arguments

Let’s refocus this case.  It’s not about the character of ______________________

______________________    _________________________   _____________________.

The defense says that the witnesses testified only because _________________________

Even though Lorelle Henry is uneasy _________________________________________,

She still had the courage to _________________________________________________.

What would have happened if Mr. Harmon had come out of that store and gone over to Mr. King and said, “There’s someone in the store”?



I can imagine Harmon trying to _____________________________________________.

Mr. Harmon wants us to look at him as _______________________________________.

Now pretend that you are a jury member, deliberating on the guilt or innocence of Steve Harmon.  Circle your answer. 
GUILTY               INNOCENT
Now give three reasons FROM THE TRIAL why you think this.

1.  __________________________________________________________

2.  __________________________________________________________

3.  __________________________________________________________

Now give two reasons that support your answer that the jury does NOT know about (from a flashback or Steve’s journals).

1.  __________________________________________________________

2.  __________________________________________________________

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