Friday, June 3, 2016

English survey

Click on this link and fill out the questions (should take you about 5 minutes).

June 7 and 9- Portfolio response

Congratulations on completing your Freshmen year! Now is a good time to reflect on how you did.

Copy and paste everything inside the box into a Google doc (make sure to share this doc with me).

Reflection on your Writing

Open up your English Portfolio. For each of your papers, write down the titles (you don’t have to write down each of your reflections). Also, explain the purpose of each piece.

List of papers:
Education Argument
Lady or Tiger
Who am I?
Note to College Roommate
Romeo and Juliet

Paper #1 Title: _______________________________

Purpose ________________________________________________________________________

Paper #2 Title: _______________________________

Purpose ________________________________________________________________________

Paper #3 Title: _______________________________

Purpose ________________________________________________________________________

Paper #4 Title: _______________________________

Purpose ________________________________________________________________________

Paper #5 Title: _______________________________

Purpose ________________________________________________________________________

Paper #6 Title: _______________________________

Purpose ________________________________________________________________________

Which was your best work? Explain.

What strengths do you have as a writer? Cite evidence from your work.

What goals do you have as a writer?

What are some steps you can take to accomplish those goals?

Reflecting on your Reading

I would like you to think about the different books we read:

  1. Your Independent Reading books
  2. Night
  3. Of Mice and Men
  4. Romeo and Juliet
  5. Monster

Which book should Schachter definitely teach again?


Which book should Schachter rethink if it gets taught again?


June 3 and 6- 12 Angry Men

We finished watching 12 Angry Men and then filled out the following worksheet:

In 12 Angry Men, the prosecution uses four facts to help prove their case.  As the movie progresses, each fact gets examined.  List any problems with each fact

Facts from the case

old man heard “I’m going to kill you” and saw the boy run down the stairs
Boy couldn’t remember facts about the movie
Woman across the street saw everything
Boy used an unusual switchblade in the killing

If you're interested in Extra Credit, work on the following:

You are a reporter for a murder case. You’ve been listening to the entire trial and the closing arguments have just finished. Here are the facts of the case:

There was a very unusual knife found stuck in the body of a man.
The man’s 18 year-old son was seen showing off the exact same knife to his friends earlier in the day.

The old man who lived downstairs heard the son shout “I’m going to kill you!”
The old man heard the thud of a body hitting the floor, then he ran to the door and watched the son run down the stairwell.

An old woman who lived across the street looked out her window and saw the son stab his father in the chest with a knife

When the son was questioned by the police after the murder, he said that he was at the movies. But he couldn’t remember the names of the movies or the people who starred in them.

The son was raised in a poor neighborhood
In the past, the son has been arrested for assault and knife-fighting

Discuss the five pieces of evidence.

Cut them out and paste them to the back of this sheet in order of most convincing to least convincing

STRANGE KNIFE           OLD MAN          OLD WOMAN               BOY’S MEMORY     BOY’S PAST

Most convincing-1
Least convincing-5

Explain your thinking behind placing the evidence in box 1.

Explain your thinking behind placing the evidence in box 5.

Friday, May 27, 2016

May 27 and 31- Closing Argument

We listened from 206-244. Then we did a worksheet for the lawyers' closing arguments.

O’Brien’s Closing Argument

The most important testimony is _____________________________________________


The state doesn’t even suggest that he was in the store during the robbery. It doesn’t suggest it was his gun that was used.  The state does contend


At no time does the state establish ____________________________________________


The State tells us that it was “understood” that Steve was to check out the drugstore. But there are two problems with that.

1.  _____________________________________________________________________

2.  _____________________________________________________________________

Remember Evan‘s testimony that they stopped for a “quick bite?”  Let me tell you how this testimony clears Steve’s name.



Mr. Briggs has already suggested that the major reason for the testimonies of Mr. Evans

and Osvaldo Cruz was ____________________________________________________.

But let’s look at the reliability of Mr. Evan’s testimony.  He is a ___________________,

_____________________ man who doesn’t think about very much of anything.

Finally, let us come to the character of Steve Harmon.  Compare Steve to Mr. Zinzi

Zinzi testified to _________________________________________________________.

It is up to you, the jury, ____________________________________________________.

It is also up to you to ______________________________________________________.

Petrocelli’s closing arguments

Let’s refocus this case.  It’s not about the character of ______________________

______________________    _________________________   _____________________.

The defense says that the witnesses testified only because _________________________

Even though Lorelle Henry is uneasy _________________________________________,

She still had the courage to _________________________________________________.

What would have happened if Mr. Harmon had come out of that store and gone over to Mr. King and said, “There’s someone in the store”?



I can imagine Harmon trying to _____________________________________________.

Mr. Harmon wants us to look at him as _______________________________________.

Now pretend that you are a jury member, deliberating on the guilt or innocence of Steve Harmon.  Circle your answer. 
GUILTY               INNOCENT
Now give three reasons FROM THE TRIAL why you think this.

1.  __________________________________________________________

2.  __________________________________________________________

3.  __________________________________________________________

Now give two reasons that support your answer that the jury does NOT know about (from a flashback or Steve’s journals).

1.  __________________________________________________________

2.  __________________________________________________________

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Monster extra credit

Extra credit Monster writing prompts

1.       Steve appears to have been drawn into this confrontation with the law by his association with King and Osvaldo. How powerful is peer pressure? Have your friends ever gotten you into trouble or vice versa?
2.       Steve’s brother, Jerry, obviously admires him. What are your responsibilities as a role model if a person looks up to you?
3.       Were Bobo and Osvaldo right to testify against Steve and King? Even if Steve did not play a direct role in the robbery, he obviously knew about it, so should he have contacted the police before it happened? Should Steve be held accountable for his failure to be a good citizen? What are your responsibilities as a citizen? Is it OK to tell or snitch on someone?
4.       Steve paints a pretty ugly picture of life in jail. What do you imagine life to be like in an adult jail?

5.       On page 1, Steve says, “If anybody knows that you are crying, they’ll start talking about it and soon it’ll be your turn to get beat up when the lights go out.” Does crying mean that you are weak? When is it OK to cry and when should you hold it inside?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25 and 26- Bobo questions and snaphot

We read to page 204, did another snapshot journal and answered the following questions:

1.     Describe Bobo physically.

2.     Describe Bobo mentally.

3.     Is Bobo the type of person you would want as an acquaintance? Explain.

4.     Let’s say you wanted to rob a store. Would you want to have Bobo as your partner? Explain.

5.     Describe the qualities your partner should have.