Monday, September 8, 2014

September 9-10

We are beginning Romeo and Juliet. Lots of talking and discussing Shakespeare...why he's he has influenced pop culture.

Then we will go over Act I Scene I in class. Discuss it and act it out.

Next we will complete the following worksheet as a way to understand how to notate Shakespeare's plays.

Correctly notate where these lines are from

Page 38
Romeo:  She hath forsworn to love, and in that vow
Do I live dead, that live to tell it now.

Page 68
Tybalt:  Now by the stock and honour of my kin,
To strike him dead I hold it not a sin.

Page 100
Friar Lawrence:  God pardon sin!  Wast thou with Rosaline?
Romeo:  With Rosaline, my ghostly father?  No.
I have forgot that name, and that name’s woe.

Page 124
Nurse: Then hie you hence to Friar Lawrence’ cell.
There stays a husband to make you a wife.

Page 228
Romeo:  The world is not thy friend, nor the world’s law;
The world affords no law to make thee rich;
Then be not poor, but break it, and take this.

Name: ___________________

Write the lines and the name of the character(s) who says them.








For homework, I will have students fill out the following sheet in preparation for bringing a book to read (any book) to class on Thursday.

Here’s your assignment.  Find three friends, one family member, and one teacher (not me) to give you reading ideas.  Write down their name and then three books that they liked or thought that you would like.

Friend 1 reading ideas            NAME:  _____________________

____________________        ____________________        ____________________

Friend 2 reading ideas                        NAME:  _____________________

____________________        ____________________        ____________________

Friend 3 reading ideas                        NAME:  _____________________

____________________        ____________________        ____________________

Family reading ideas               NAME:  _____________________

____________________        ____________________        ____________________

Teacher reading ideas             NAME:  _____________________

____________________        ____________________        ____________________

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