Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18 and 20- Grabber sentence and finish Note to College Roommate

Today I explained the rest of the Note to College Roommate writing. It will follow this format:

At least two sentences

·        Grabber sentence (see grabber worksheet)
·        Thesis statement (“I would make a great roommate because…”)

At least eight sentences

·        Eight sentence story of one specific time you exhibited a good roommate quality

At least two sentences

·        Restate thesis (“As you can see…”)

·        Kicker (see grabber worksheet)

Students then filled out the following worksheet as a way to understand how to do a grabber. They may need a textbook from my room to complete:

Writing the grabber sentence.

Read all the examples of Grabber sentences from page 353- 355 in The Writer’s Craft.  Once you understand them, write seven different grabber sentences for the following topic:

What is Lunchtime like at Lafollette?

Include Startling or Interesting Facts  _______________________________________

Provide a Vivid, Detailed Description  _______________________________________

Ask a Question  _________________________________________________________

Present an Anecdote  _____________________________________________________

Begin with a Quotation  ___________________________________________________

Address the Reader Directly  ______________________________________________

Take a Stand  ___________________________________________________________

We then typed up the entire Note to College Roommate in the computer lab. Students shared it with me and it will be graded tonight.

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