Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17 and 18- I.II-III worksheet, Memorize Two Households, EXTRA CREDIT!

We went over I.I. and watched the video for it.

Next we worked on the following worksheet:

Read I.I.76-153 and answer questions 1-4 in 2-3 sentences each

1. What does the prince think about the Capulets and Montagues?

2. What is the warning the prince gives to the Capulets and Montagues?

3. Describe Benvolio.  What kind of a man is he? Give specific examples.

4. The Montagues are worried about Romeo.  Describe how Romeo is acting.

Now read lines 154-233 and answer the rest of the questions

Why is Romeo sad? Give me a line to prove this.

Romeo says “she’ll not be hit with Cupid’s arrow” What does he mean?

He says some other things right after (204-211). Write down one thing he says and write down what he means.

What is Benvolio’s advice?

How does Romeo respond to Benvolio’s advice?

Do you agree more with Benvolio’s view on love or Romeo’s? Explain.


I also gave students the following to complete over Winter Break (first block on 12/17 did not get this sheet- they'll receive it after break)

Assignment for memorizing Act one's prologue
(Worth 20 points).

Presenting the prologue by 1/4 or 1/5 gets you 25 points
Presenting by 1/6 or 1/7 gets you 20 points
Presenting by 1/8 or 1/11 gets you 15 points
Presenting after 1/12 or 1/13 gets you 10 points   

¨  Presenting with EMOTION can get you five to ten more points.
¨  Bringing in props to help make the monologue more understandable will get you five to ten more points.
¨  Making an art project using any type of material can get you five to ten more points (check out above the chalk board).
¨  Doing another monologue will get you one point for every two lines memorized.
¨      Doing a dialogue (with another student) will get you each one point for every four lines memorized.


Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life;
Whose misadventur’d piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.

The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love,
And the continuance of their parents’ rage,
Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage;

The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 15 and 16- Notate sheet and I.I. sheet

As we work our way through Romeo and Juliet, we will be doing more worksheets that will help us understand Shakespeare's story. We worked on two worksheets today:

Correctly notate where these lines are from

Page 38
Romeo:  She hath forsworn to love, and in that vow
Do I live dead, that live to tell it now.

Page 68
Tybalt:  Now by the stock and honour of my kin,
To strike him dead I hold it not a sin.

Page 100
Friar Lawrence:  God pardon sin!  Wast thou with Rosaline?
Romeo:  With Rosaline, my ghostly father?  No.
I have forgot that name, and that name’s woe.

Page 124
Nurse: Then hie you hence to Friar Lawrence’ cell.
There stays a husband to make you a wife.

Page 228
Romeo:  The world is not thy friend, nor the world’s law;
The world affords no law to make thee rich;
Then be not poor, but break it, and take this.

Name: ___________________

Write the lines and the name of the character(s) who says them.







Name: _______________________

Read I.I.76-153 and answer questions 1-4 in 2-3 sentences each

1. What does the prince think about the Capulets and Montagues?

2. What is the warning the prince gives to the Capulets and Montagues?

3. Describe Benvolio.  What kind of a man is he? Give specific examples.

4. The Montagues are worried about Romeo.  Describe how Romeo is acting.

Now read lines 154-233 and answer the rest of the questions

Why is Romeo sad? Give me a line to prove this.

Romeo says “she’ll not be hit with Cupid’s arrow” What does he mean?

He says some other things right after (204-211). Write down one thing he says and write down what he means.

What is Benvolio’s advice?

How does Romeo respond to Benvolio’s advice?

Do you agree more with Benvolio’s view on love or Romeo’s? Explain.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 10-Genocide Paper due

To take the survey, go to:

Make sure to turn in the paper today as well as the research worksheet.

December 9- Genocide paper is due today

Make sure to turn in both your paper and the Genocide research sheet.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1 and 2- Genocide paper

We began by discussing the 8 stages of genocide:

Different stages of Genocide
1.   Classification - "People are divided into "us and them"
2.   Symbolization - "When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups..."
3.   Dehumanization - "One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases."
4.    Organization - "Genocide is always organized... Special army units or militias are often trained and armed..."
5.   Polarization - "Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda..."
6.   Preparation - "Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity..."
7.   Extermination - "It is "extermination" to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human."

8.   Denial - "The perpetrators... deny that they committed any crimes..."

Next, we began work on our paper:

Holocaust Research Assignment
 For this research assignment, you will go more into depth and explore other sources. Ultimately, you will "become" a prisoner.
You can choose to do your research on:
o        Armenian Genocide
o        The "Killing Fields" in Cambodia
o        Congolese war murders
o        Bosnian genocide
o        Genocide in Darfur, Sudan
o        Rwanda genocide
o        Black holocaust
o        Russian Pogroms

Chose one of the following as your writing assignment:
 1. Write a letter to a family member, president, prison guard, describing daily events and your experiences and feelings. 
2. Write a personal journal describing daily events and your experiences and feelings.
3. Write a short story in which you are the first person narrator. Include daily events, experiences, and feelings.

You must gather information from at least THREE resources.

Rubric (this is how you will be graded)
Your writing will feel real and personal. Write from the First Person Point of View (“I”). Make it clear to your audience the struggles and difficulties that you’ve faced. 10 points 
At least three resources. 10 points 
One or more pages, 12 point font, double-spaced. 10 points

Edited and checked for grammar/punctuation/spelling. 5 points 

Researching Genocide
Which genocidal event are you focusing on? _________________________
Pick three different websites to find information about the genocide you chose.
Information about the site

November 24 and 30

Do journal entry for 8 and 9

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16 and 17-Journal ch. 5 and do inference sheet

We discussed in class what inferences are and then we worked on a worksheet for it.

An inference is a conclusion based on evidence or reasoning.

Make an inference regarding the following passages.  Explain your thought process by including the word BECAUSE. You may need more information so I provided page numbers where you can find each passage.

1. (p. 47-48): “Buna is a very good camp. One can hold one’s own here. The most important thing is not to be assigned to the construction Kommando…”

What can you infer about the construction Kommando?

2. (52): “After your meal, you’ll go to see the dentist.”

            Infer why the dentist wants to see Elie.

3. (p. 53): “Bite your lips, little brother…Don’t cry. Keep your anger, your hate, for another day, for later. The day will come but not now…Wait.”

            What can you infer the French woman meant by “The day will come”?

4. (p.56): Fanek became pleasant again. From time to time, he even gave me extra soup.
Infer why Franek is treating Elie nicely. (This is after Franek repeatedly beat his father for not marching correctly and then ultimately took Elie’s gold crown).

5. (p. 60): We were not afraid. And yet, if a bomb had fallen on the blocks, it would have claimed hundreds of inmates’ lives. But we no longer feared death, in any event not this particular death.
            Infer as to why they didn’t fear death at the hands of the allies.

6. (p. 62): The thousands of people who died daily in Auschwitz and Birkenau, in the crematoria, no longer troubled me. But this boy, leaning against his gallows, upset me deeply.
            Infer why the hanging of the boy upset Elie so deeply, whereas those killed in the crematoria no longer did.

7. (p. 65): “Where is He? This is where- hanging here from this gallows…”

Infer what Elie means by saying his God is hanging from the gallows.

Homework is to read chapter 6

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 11 and 12- Reflection on Who am I? paper

Copy and paste the following into an email to me: 

Reflection on “Who Am I” paper

Reread your paper, look at my comments, and look at your score.

1.       What’s your first reaction after reading everything?

2.       What was your favorite line or part of the paper?

3.       What do you think you could add or change to make this paper better?

4.       According to this paper, Who Are You?

5.       Do you think this will be a part of Who You Are in ten years? Explain.

Then, read chapter 5 for homework.

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9 and 10- Night Journaling and Fathers and Sons worksheet

1st and 4th block:
We worked on the following worksheet:

A.  Read p. 4, “My father was a cultured man…” to p. 5 “…would become ONE.”

What do you think Elie and his father’s relationship was like?

Who fulfilled the role of father-figure for Elie?

B. Read p. 39 “My father suddenly…” to p. 39“…mark of the hand.”

Why do you suppose that Elie did nothing?

What would have happened if he had reacted?

C. Read p. 54 “Another time…” to p. 54 “…had made of me.”

What changed in Elie from the time his father gets beaten on page 39 to now.

What do you think has caused this change?




Then students did a journal entry for chapter 4.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Nov 2, 3, 4- journaling for Night

Today I showed students how we will be working on Night for the next couple of weeks. Students will follow the following worksheet for how to do the journaling. Today we did this for chapter 2. Homework is to read chapter 3.

Journal Writing for Night

As we begin to read through Night, I will want you to record some thoughts, ideas and information in a journal entry. 

For every chapter, you will make a journal entry which will include:

1) Character Descriptions (6 sentences total):  For every section, describe what is going on with the main character, Elie Wiesel.  In addition, choose one other character to describe what happens to him/her in this section. 

2)  Theme Spotting (4-5 sentences total):  There are many themes in this novel.  Pick one of the following themes:

          A.  Dehumanization: to take away someone’s human       qualities; to take away someone’s identity; to make someone    feel as if they are no longer human.
          B.  The Will To Live (a character’s struggle for survival)
          C.  Fathers and Sons (relationship between them)
          D.  Faith and Beliefs (religion)

·       Write down the theme by either giving a quote or describing an event that occurs. 
·       Then, explain what this quote/event tells us about the theme.

3)  Connections (4-5 sentences)  Whenever you encounter something in the novel that reminds you of something else, write it down.  I want you to make at least one connection per entry.  You could write about:

Text to Self
How you connect yourself and your experiences to what’s happening in the book. 
Text to text
You could write about another book or something you’ve read that connects to what’s happening in the book. 
Text to world
Or you could write about the world around you right now and how that connects to what’s happening in the book. 


Organize your journal entries
Ÿ  Be sure to include which chapter this entry is for
Ÿ  Organize your entry by including a heading for each of the sections:  Character Descriptions, Theme spotting, and Connections
Ÿ  You will be graded on organization and neatness!  You may want to type out your journal entries.

Do more of any section for extra credit!

Friday, October 30, 2015

October 29 and 30- Begin reading Night

We began reading the autobiography of Elie Wiesel, Night. Students should finish chapter one in preparation for a quiz.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27 and 28- Adding descriptive writing-rubric for "Who am I"

I explained to the students about showing vs. telling and then we continued working on our "Who am I" paper. Here's the rubric for it:


(10 points) Story shows development in your character. Does this story tell others about WHO you ARE? (This is a story about you!)

(10 points) Story shows a smooth sequence of events that creates a coherent whole.

(5 points) Highlight FIVE times the story contains Showed not Tell.

(10 points) Story uses correct punctuation, capitalization and has a title

(10 points) Story is at least 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced, and “Times New Roman12 font.

(45 points total)

The paper is due by tomorrow night.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21 and 22- begin "Who Am I?" paper

Here's the outline for the "Who Am I?" paper. We worked on it today and will continue working on it the next two days.


Task: Tell a personal story that helps explain an aspect of your developing identity. In other words, share something that happened in your life or something you went through that has shaped who you are or taught you something.

o Your story must show development in your character. You must have a reflective component - WHAT did you LEARN from this? How does this story tell others about WHO you ARE?

o You must create a smooth sequence of events that creates a coherent whole.

o You must include sensory language and lots of DETAILS to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. (Show, not tell)

o You must use correct punctuation, capitalization, and homophones in your writing.
o You must have a title

o Your final work should be 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced, and “Times New Roman12 font.


Read through each of these. Put a check mark in five that you could possibly write about.

  • A best or worst day
  • A time you struggled or made a mistake
  • A “first” in your life
  • A moment from a complicated relationship
  • A time you moved
  • A time death affected you
  • A time you were ashamed of or proud of a relative
  • A time you supported a friend
  • A family tradition or ritual that matters
  • An anecdote about your name and why it makes you who you are
  • The day you met a friend
  • A strong belief you have and how you got that belief
  • A moment when you found yourself admiring someone in your life
  • A time an illness or injury taught you a lesson
  • A time you had a run-in with the police
Words that might describe you:

Choose 6  words that describe you 

1.                                                                                            2.

3.                                                                                  4.

5.                                                                                  6.

Now for three of them, write down a time where you showed this quality (a couple of sentences each).




Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15 and 16- Independent Reading

We read our independent reading books in class and then began discussing our next unity, Night. We watched the first half of The Boy in Striped Pajamas.

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 13 and 14- Lady or Tiger reflection

Create a Google doc and make sure to put the document in your English Portfolio.

Answer the following questions on the doc:

  1. What was your grabber sentence? 
  2. Why did you pick that as your grabber? 
  3. Find someone else's grabber that you like and copy it down. 
  4. Why do you like it?
  5. How do you feel about your paper overall? 
  6. What was your grade?
  7. Are you happy with your grade? 
  8. If not, what do you think you could have done differently?

Then, copy the following onto an email to me:

e.c.                                             /0        
First                                          /10        
Edarg                                        /20         
Book                                         /5          
Reflc                                         /5          
Short                                          /20         
Ain’t                                          /10        
Pick                                          /10        
Tiger                                        /25         

Total Grade                               /105        

Fill in your scores for each assignment.

Work on one of your missing assignments or one that you did poorly on.

October 9 and 12

Today we watched another video of an Obscure Sorrow... Zenosyne... and then did a quick write on it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7 and 8- Type out Lady or Tiger paper

We typed out our paper today using the outline we worked on yesterday.

The format for typing out the paper is:

1st paragraph (Grabber and then Thesis)
2nd paragraph (Two quotes from the book that support your thesis with an explanation for each quote)
3rd paragraph (Two reasons from the real world that support your thesis with an explanation for each)

Then place your paper into your English 1 Portfolio that we created a couple weeks ago.